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City Park Multi-Topic-Talk Walk, Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 4:30-6:00 pm

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 5:14 PM
Hello All You Delightful Urban Park Improv Walkers!

I want to thank each of you so very much for registering and patiently giving the improv topic for Topic-Talk Walks the encouragement to grow into your favorite schedules, locations and topics. You make my volunteer organizing efforts feel worthwhile.

I am beginning with City Park, because I would like this improv group to be prepared as participants and volunteer hosts for our City Park August 27, 2008, Topic Talk Walk, when the Denver Democratic Convention is in town. Between now and August, hopefully, among the participants in our Wednesday walks, there will be new volunteer organizers, co-organizers and hosts to coordinate weekend urban park walks. Gradually we will have more choices for walk schedules, parks, topics, organizers, hosts and guests.

Here are just a few developmental highlights about our City Park walks. I am gradually getting the word out to the City Park neighborhood through the help of City Park neighbors and businesses. This is the first month our walks will be listed in the Greater Park Hill News, and Greg Rasheed, this neighborhood association's executive director expressed interest in hosting a walk. Greg is also a radio host for the Gospel Train music hour on KUVO Sundays from 9-10 am. Also, the founder of City Park Alliance, Carolyn Lievers, plans to walk with our March 26 group. We are just beginning. Our registration is small by comparison with the large number of people who have expressed interest in our group.

On the Topic Talk Walks: Meetup Metro Denver calendar of upcoming walks, I have scheduled walks in the Denver Botanic Gardens on Tuesday mornings in June, July and August so that Topic-Talk Walks can participate in the Mayor's Spring into Health program in this beautiful garden setting. I will add this to The Denver Improv Comedy Group calendar as we get closer to these dates.

I have received two requests for pure advertisements for comedy clubs on this group's site. My response was that pure advertisements are not acceptable. Reciprocal in-kind advertisements offering the exchange that this paying organizer is willing to accept would be acceptable. Specifically, no calendar event can be posted without a volunteer organizer and/or host responsible for hosting the event for our members. As the current organizer of this group, I need to have experience walking on an improv walk with this host before I agree to have them represent this group. Also, I would like to introduce this host to our group from their improv walk photos. The brand and venue of the comedy club that this host puts on our calendar needs to be accessible and compatible with our outdoor family-oriented brand of improv. For example, a comedy club event that was specifically rated for the entire family would be ideal for this group. Entertainers generally recognize how important brand and venue are for giving them the best support for their market niche.

I would like to hear your opinions and recommendations on this or any other personal preference.

To promote these walks, I do not advertise through the topic categories, especially because we are in the initial developmental phase for this walking improv topic format. Just as an example, here is the Topic-Talk Walks' walk announcement I put on Craig's List yesterday:

Craig's List

Free walk groups - Topic-Talk Walks

Reply to: [address removed]

City Park ? Free Walking Talk-Shows for groups of 6 to 15 walkers. Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 4:30 to 6:00 pm, meet at 4:30 pm in the upper-level of the T-Rex Caf? in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS), or meet where the walk begins at 5:00 pm in the Rose Garden fountain area on the west side of DMNS. Monthly City Park walks are scheduled for the last Wednesday of every month except December 2008.

This is a Multi-Topic-Talk Walk, with invited improvisational comedy artists as walking topic-talk co-hosts. Fran Rew is the organizer/host. This urban park setting is open to audiences of all ages and abilities. Walking groups choose their walking pace and topics from introductory interactive walking games.

You?re welcome with or without registering for these free walks, but registration is preferred. Visit to learn more about these walks and to register through our linked site. On both our domain site and our registration site, you?ll see photos of previous City Park walks and their meetup locations, and members of this walking group.

Registered walkers will be the first to learn about exciting new topic-talk walks on different schedules in City Park and in other metro Denver urban parks. Volunteers are invited to become organizers, co-organizers, walk hosts and walk guests of topic-talk walks.

I?m looking forward to walking with each of you on a walk that works for you.

Fran Rew
Topic-Talk Walks
[address removed]

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