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Videos on Topic-Talk Walks' updated domain site - next walk Wed, April 30, 2008

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Saturday, April 19, 2008, 12:40 PM
Hello Everyone,

Isn't this Denver, Colorado weather heavenly!!

Once again our Denver Improv Comedy Meetup Group is sharing a walk with the Topic-Talk Walks (TTW) group. We have an opportunity to share our inborn improv talents on any subject as an interactive walking group conversation.

TTW's updated domain site now includes 2 short videos. I'd love to hear your opinions and recommendations regarding this updated site.

One video is a YouTube television news report about a singles urban park walking group in Toronto, Canada called A Stroll in the Park. I've included this Toronto walk group and two local other metro Denver area walk groups on both a TTW and TTW domain page for info about links to other TTW-style walks. Everyone is cordially invited to add any info and links to other TTW-style urban park walks either on the Denver Improv Meetup Group's message board at "What's next?" or on the TTW message board. I'll update the info onto the TTW domain page list once a month.

The other video is a musical video, which can be accessed directly from the TTW domain web site in an MP4 format, or be seen through YouTube. This is a 6:34-minute video of over 10 musical video-clips of credits from my 33-minute video production called "Neighborhood Music." It's walking with a musical imagination through my South Hilltop neighborhood in September 1995. The theme is "The best part of any city is its people."

You are all invited to the TTW group's next walk on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 in City Park, meeting at 4:30 pm and walking from 5 to 6 pm. You can either register directly on the TTW Registration Page for the April 30, 2008 TTW walk., or register with our Denver Improv Comedy Meetup Group.

The "Walks" page on the 4/19/2008 updated TTW group's web site shows the picture of our Meetup location in the Rose Garden's Fountain Circle on the west side of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS). The reason we're not meeting at the City Park bandstand is that bathrooms are always accessible in the DMNS. Is this Meetup location in City Park okay with everyone?

I'm looking forward to walking with you, and hearing from each of you when the time is right for you.

Lots of love and cheer to all of you.

Fran Rew
[address removed]

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