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Re: [tennis-257] Contact Information!

From: Mary Helen F.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 2:21 PM
Where and when do you meet...if it is too far from SW Mpls. I can not make it?
Mary Helen Franze.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 08,[masked]:59 PM
Subject: [tennis-257] Contact Information!

Hello All,

Here is the list of names and contact numbers! I will put a schedule together when I get back from my vacation. Thank you for your patients!

Tom Epplin (314)[masked], Matt [masked], Daniela Ortner "[address removed]", David [address removed], Ann "[address removed]", Nathan <[address removed], SELINA [masked]. Paul Wallace "[address removed]", "susan" <[address removed], Ann "[address removed]", Lucy Stewart [masked], Nayan[masked], Lea "[address removed]", Darin Menssen" <[address removed], Janna Swenson[masked], Vikrant Jagadeesan (630)[masked], ned johnson[masked], Betsy Schmiesing[masked], Sonita Sarker" <[address removed], hilary debler[masked], Mary Helen Franze" <[address removed], Madhu[masked], RABIN B. [masked], Jess[masked], Jen Nemo" <[address removed], Betsy" [address removed], Kim "[address removed]", Andrew Wowchak" <[address removed], Daobing Ye[masked], David Sanford [masked], Samantha Blanchard[masked], Michael"<[address removed], Kevin <[address removed], Jared" <[address removed], Amber <[address removed],Kofi [address removed], "Christian Bonde" <[address removed], Martha <[address removed], Paul K" <[address removed], Neelay" <[address removed], Martha" <[address removed], "Meg" <[address removed], sadaf" <[address removed], Gabby Nelson" <[address removed], Brandon Galindo" <[address removed], Tim Harris" <[address removed], David Sanford" <[address removed], Rich" <[address removed], Leah" <[address removed], J. M. Smith" <[address removed], Matt K." <[address removed], "al isackson" <[address removed], Brandon Galindo" <[address removed]

I will have a schedule when I get back July 20th. I want to thank you all again for your patients and being loyal to this group. I am anxious to meet all of you. You can either call me or text me any time!

Thank you,

Steve Baumann

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