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FW: endgame club -- help

From: Alan C.
Sent on: Friday, July 19, 2013, 8:22 AM




From: Alex Frentz [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Friday, July 19,[masked]:17 AM
To: Alan Casden
Subject: RE: endgame club -- help



Thanks for the reply.  That'd be great!  (if it's not inappropo or a nuisance to members or such)

I'm passing the word a bit at ICC too, maybe that'll pick up one or two.

Thanks a lot! 



Ps.  Have you had a chance to see the new "Columbus Chess Center"?!  Pretty spiffy. 

I think I played 3 experts and a master tonight ... strong turnout!  (Was rated 1994 going in this evening and paired *up* in round 1!  Caught me a bit off guard ...)

On Jul 18,[masked]:49 PM, "Alan Casden" <[address removed]> wrote:



The only thing that I can think of is resending your email out to CCL and the Mulligan Chess Club.




From: Alex Frentz [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18,[masked]:22 PM
To: Alan Casden
Subject: endgame club -- help





Hey, how is it going?


I was wondering if you had any suggestions about this "Endgame Club" project.  We are just getting started now, with (I think) about a half dozen of us having bought the books and started studying and able to show up for tournaments, and another half-dozen in a grey area (on the fence, or interested but no time for tournaments, or unclear as-of-yet).


Anyway, a couple of CCL kids have got involved, which is great.  Like I said, the more motivated scholastic kids are often a good 'fit' for it.


But, both for the sake of the kids and the adults too, we could use a few more people showing up for tournaments (and showing up well prepared).  Do you have any suggestions?  Or I guess, maybe even more specifically, are there a couple kids (or adults!) you might suggest that I contact about it?


The whole project is free, but I kinda consider it my obligation once I get people roped in, to try to make it run as well as possible, and so help them get the most out of the time they put in.  It's fun but also hard work.  Anyway right now what we could use is a couple more to try it out.  

Er, also if you have any tips on how to make it more fun, that's always welcome!!  For example, I was thinking we might try a "correspondence rook endgame tournament."  We tend to have very fast-paced (and demanding) tournaments, but corres would be a nice complement to that and give people a chance to stop and really analyse a position, but also, in a competitive situation.


Also YouTube videos sharing heroic endgame tales ... 




Btw I wanted to thank you for the brief phone call earlier this summer, to help me think about coaching.  Also sorry about the connection.


I stopped by last week at Panera, but it was just nice to see Parry and especially Gregg Stark in an atmosphere away from the tournaments, and so I didn't bother you at that time.  :)





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