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New Meeting: First Annual SA Pickers Fiesta Finale Fling!

From: Erin Z.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 11:40 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The San Antonio Musician Meetup Group!

What: First Annual SA Pickers Fiesta Finale Fling!

When: Sunday, April 27, 2:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Alright y'all... it's on!

Get in on the ground floor of yet another great Fiesta tradition...
sure to take its place alongside NIOSA, King William Fair and showing
up to work late every day for a week.

This Sunday, we're going to wind down the week with an afternoon
pickin' party potluck barbeque at Brooke's place. That's right... we
thought we'd give all of you a break from hosting and have it at
Brooke's for a change.

You know the drill:

When: This Sunday, 4/27 from 2p.m. to 10p.m.
Where: 939 W. Agarita (see maplink below)
Bring: Cool people, instruments, FOOD, drinks, chairs
Do NOT bring: monkeys (although you may bring Monkeys songs), weapons
(other than your axes), egos (though ids are welcome) or used tires
(unless you plan on building us a swing)

Brooke and I will provide grilled yummies and starter drinks, but
please contribute with side dishes and booze if at all possible
(here's a hint: if you bring tequilla, I will make margaritas).

Well, that's it. Have a safe and happy Fiesta, and we'll see you on
Sunday. If you've any queries, just holla!

Pick on,



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