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Mentor Blaze 6 - Speed dating with mentors is on again!! Wed 9th March 4pm to 6pm+.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 5:02 PM

Queensland's speed dating with mentor event is on again in Brisbane at ilab, and in startup co-working spaces across the state.

If you have a startup idea, and want to discuss it with multiple mentors (experienced entrepreneurs, investors, founder, experts) then Mentor Blaze is the place to be.

Wed 9th March 4pm to 6pm+.

  • Time effective - multiple mentors in 2 hours, each session 20 minutes.
  • Networking with founders and mentors - Drinks and nibbles to follow.
  • Energising - Feel the passion of a room full of people all intensely exploring business ideas.

This is happening at ilab in Brisbane as well as a range of places across the state.  Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Cairns, Mackay ... 6 Queensland Cities, 400 sessions all in 2 hours.

Get a taste by viewing the video -

More info and sign up at


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