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***Weekly Update***

From: Mitch E.
Sent on: Monday, April 11, 2016, 6:19 AM


Good Morning Nashville Filmmakers!


ARTlightment Art & Film Festival SPECIAL Offer:

From Annie Kananack, Director of Operations/Submissions: We are pleased to announce that we will be featuring your group this year at our 2016 ARTLightenment Art and Film Festival.  Your group will be featured on our posters and advertisements.  We invite you to submit your short films (ten minutes or less) through Film Freeway @  Enter the code (MEETUP2016) to waive the submission fee. This code is effective until May 15th.

This year’s winner will be awarded $500.00. Please contact Annie Kananack, Director of Operations/Submissions with any questions @ [address removed].


More 2016 Premiere Film Announcements: In addition to the three films announced last week, we have six additional films to announce for our 2016 NF Premiere which will be held at the Nashville Public Library on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 1 PM in the afternoon (party location after TBD).

Below is a list of the 6 additional filmmakers, titles, genre, and short descriptions.

Allen Carver & Lisa Waddington Wright. "Transposed", Comedy. A comedy about a chauvinistic attorney who, as the result of a voodoo curse, has to briefly live as a woman in order to better understand the sexes.


Tommy Barnes. Portal, Fantasy. Two women warriors help a P. I. find a magic key stone and save the day.

Neil Ebanks. Burn, Sci-Fi. Burn is a science fiction thriller about an 11 year girl with a special pyrokenitic ability that she may not be able to control - until it's too late.


Annie Kananack/Cameron Comstock. Charlie Delta, Comedy. Epic attempts of espionage ending in epic failure.


Sarkaut Taro. The illegitimate, Drama/Action. The illegitimate son of a dishonorable Kurdish father travels to his father's homeland to fight human trafficking and rescue Kurdish Yazidis from ISIS.


Sandrene Mathews. Less Than Super, Comedy. As Alice and her superhero team prepare to face their next villain, she must decide between breaking up with him or revealing her secret.


Congrats to all our 9 filmmakers for this year's 2016 Premiere films. There will be much more to follow from now until December and they will need our full support!


April 17 Meetup at the Nashville Film Festival (NaFF). Please RSVP now for this very special meetup on location at the Nashville Film Festival. Arrive early for the 5 PM happy hour in the tent, and then we'll start our meetup at 5:30, hear from a top organizer at NaFF about the festival and updates from our Premiere filmmakers. We'll also have a special guest to talk about what you should be doing at this phase of pre-production with your films. Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Short Film Awards Ceremony and Party at Greenhouse Bar at 9 PM. It's FREE but you must by your own drink tickets.


All My Best,



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