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***Weekly Update***

From: Mitch E.
Sent on: Monday, April 4, 2016, 5:30 AM


Good Morning Nashville Filmmakers!



Next Meetup - April 17 at 5:30 PM on location at NaFF. We have a great meetup coming up in April at one of the 150 seat theaters at the Nashville Film Festival. Everyone is welcome to go to films in the afternoon (must buy your own ticket) and a happy hour at 5 PM prior to the meetup which starts at 5:30. The meetup will last about 2 hours and everyone is welcome to stick around and go to the Shorts Film Awards & Party at 9 PM (party is free but must pay for drink tickets). At the meetup, we'll hear from a representative from NaFF to talk about the film festival which has become one of the top 10 in the country, get an update from our Premiere filmmakers, and talk about key activities in the pre-production stage of making a film. RSVP today here.

2016 Premiere Films -  First Films Announced! There will be about 10 films screened at our annual December Premiere. Below are a few of the great films that you will see this year.

Producer: Allan McCall

Title: The Purloined Guitar

Genre: Drama

Brief Synopsis: A short film about songwriting private eye Maxwell Miller's struggle to do the right thing when he gets hold of a very rare stolen guitar.


Producer: Kristie Pennington

Title: Dates The Series (Episode 1)

Genre: Comedy

Brief Synopsis: We've all been there. Dates.


Producer: Tom Delfino

Title: Better Luck Next Time

Genre: Comedy

Brief Synopsis: John wants to try his hand at screenwriting to give himself a break from the monotony of videography, but in talking to his girlfriend, he realizes it's not so easy.


Marti Young is on Panel at NaFF. NF Meetup Steering Committee member and filmmaker Marti Young has been asked to be a part of the SAG AFTRA panel for the Nashville Film Festival. The panel is April 15, 12:30pm - 2pm. The name of the panel is : Topless Filmmaking: Let SAG AFTRA Show You How To Cast Professional Actors And Not Lose Your Shirt. (no idea why they went with topless filmmaking in the title; we aren't discussing nudity in film). The panel should be free to the public and will be very informative. Click Here for more details.


Thanks to Our Sponsors. A big thank you to our platinum sponsors The Nashville Film Institute and Watkins College of Art, Design & Film, as well as regular  sponsor NECAT. We are grateful for their support!


All My Best,





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