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***Weekly Update***

From: Mitch E.
Sent on: Monday, May 9, 2016, 5:56 AM


Good Morning Nashville Filmmakers!


NFM featured in Digital Filmmaker mag. The world's largest digital filmmaker magazine, Digital Filmmaker, based out of London, England, just did a 6 page full-color feature on the Nashville Filmmakers MeetUp Group... featuring a dozen or so photos from various shootings, and even a shot of the expert panel we had at our March meetup at Watkins.

From Thom King who scored the interview: “I literally submitted over 150 photos (along with captions) for their consideration through Jan., Feb. and March, and answered an initial set of questions the editor sent me, thinking they would do a follow-up interview... but nope, they wrote the entire feature based on those initial answers. For what it is worth, we sound pretty amazing...ha. And note: I had no part in deciding which photos were used in the story. I sent them dozens shots from each of over 12 of our indie film projects, along with detailed captions with names, cast and crew.”

The print issue will be in U.S. stores in a couple weeks. Meanwhile, the digital version of the entire magazine, issue #35, is available for download at for $3.99, which is an amazing price since the print version costs $12.25 plus $1.20 in tax. As a special perk for all interested paid NF Meetup members, we will send you a copy of the digital magazine for FREE. A sign up will go out in a couple days so if you’ve been on the fence about paying the $25/year NF meetup membership dues, now is the time!

It truly is a fantastic article. Kudos to Thom King and YOU, the Nashville Filmmakers!


Next Meetup - May 15th 7 PM at Watkins College. Our next meetup is right around the corner. We'll hear all about the progression of the films being made for our annual Premiere on Dec. 3rd... ten great films in all. The timely topic of discussion for this meetup is "Casting". We'll have a panel comprised of filmmakers and professional casting directors. It will be moderated by actor Jason 'Mars' Marsden so no matter what your role in filmmaker, there is sure to be a lot of takeaway. As usual, we'll have plenty of time for mingling at the end. RSVP now if you haven't already.


Film-Com Pitch Expo Registration ends May 15. The last day to register for a booth at the Film-Com Pitch Expo is May 15. This is your chance to pitch your film/project to industry execs who come into Nashville from all over the country. Film-Com runs June 17 through June 26 with the Expo falling on June 23. Those who signed up in March following the Andy van Roon Film-Com seminar for a FREE booth should already have the information. See the Film-Com web site to register.


All My Best,



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