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***Weekly Update***

From: Mitch E.
Sent on: Monday, May 16, 2016, 6:03 AM


Good Morning Nashville Filmmakers!


Meetup Wrap up. We had a great meetup last night at Watkins with a packed room of eager filmmakers. An excellent panel spoke about the ins-and-outs of casting followed by updates by the 10 filmmakers putting together projects for our Premiere in December. The next meetup is June 12 so look for a meetup invite soon.


Link to DFM Article. Tomorrow morning, a link will go out to all paid members of the meetup to receive a free electronic version of the 6 page article on our group that is featured in Digital Filmmaker Magazine (kudos to Thom King for scoring this article). If you're not a paid member and wish to get a free copy of this $4 issue, please go to your home page and join today. For $25 a year there are lots of other perks like access to our local producer's database.


Need Secretary/Treasurer for Steering Committee. The Nashville Filmmakers Meetup is in need of a Secretary/Treasurer. Be a key part of a vibrant, thriving organization that has been called the most significant group collaborating to make films in Nashville today. Duties to include: organizing membership, tracking funds, setting up web pages for special events. Proficiency in spreadsheets needed.This individual also serves on the Steering Committee. Please respond to this update or email [address removed] if interested.


Women In Film and Television Fundraiser. Support the WIFT Lemon Eating Challenge. You film yourself eating a lemon saying how you support women in the industry, and then challenge three of your friends to do the same, and then donate a minimum of $10 to the organization.  Women in Film and Television IS an organization they can be a part of, male OR female. Click Here for More Information on the Challenge


NFM and Film-Com. The Nashville Filmmakers Meetup group is officially supporting Film-Com by putting together the laminates for all of the attendees. On June 18, we are needing volunteers to help participate in sorting all the laminates. This will be a fun NFM group effort and will help our friends at Film-Com which is fast becoming one of the leading film marketplace events of the year where content providers get to showcase their projects for film industry executives.  Please respond to this update or email [address removed] if you are interested.


All My Best,

