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Need your input

From: Leah
Sent on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 3:41 PM
Dear Group-

A lot of new people have joined this group and I have not been able to speak personally with everyone who joined after
the initial 7 or 8 people yet so I really want to get some feedback on how this group can be most useful to you. I think others may have different
schedules now, so this seems to me like a good time to check in and then make
the necessary adjustments.

1. Why did you join this group?

2. How can this group be useful to you?

3. Do you think meetings are a good idea? What day and time is best for you?

4. Is there anything stopping you from attending meetings now? could this change in the

5. Do you have any other ideas?

Also, if you want to share your thoughts over the phone that is okay too, although
I won't be available until Saturday and then you can call between 9am-7pm.

just email me your phone number and I can call you.

Leah Masci