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From: Leah
Sent on: Saturday, November 21, 2009, 4:23 PM
(FYI: if you dont want to receive messages sent on our mailing list you can log in to the meet up site
and unsubscribe - if you have difficulty figuring out how to unsubscribe let me now and I will mail out instructions)


Location: Windsor CT / Hartford CT Area

This position is with an EXCEPTIONAL company with operations
throughout the US.
The IT department is HIGHLY RESPECTED.

The Web Developer's role is to develop and maintain all web
development activities for the Company and to keep them running
smoothly. This includes designing, building, and implementing
new pages and sites; integrating sites with back end
applications; and performing day-to-day administration of the
organization's Web portfolio. Use of a variety of Web
development languages is required.


��� �� �� �� Develop, code, install, test, debug, and document Web
��� �� �� �� Understand and track all company web development initiatives
��� �� �� �� Define web site architecture and overall site structure for
all new web projects
��� �� �� �� Experience with back-end web technologies and front-end web
technologies update Web pages to ��ensure site accuracy and
��� �� �� �� Diagnose and troubleshoot problems with existing Web
applications and sites.
��� �� �� �� Work with database administrator to design, develop, and
update databases as they relate to Web applications.
��� �� �� �� Ensure security of all Web sites and related applications.
��� �� �� �� Perform periodic Web site audits.
��� �� �� �� Monitor and report on Web site traffic and performance.
��� �� �� �� Perform cost-benefit analyses of proposed Web


��� �� �� �� Strong understanding of Internet programming languages,
including: C# .NET, PHP, My SQL, Linux, LAMP, Flash, Photoshop,
Illustrator, Quark, CSS, User Interface, UI
��� �� �� �� Thorough understanding of application development
��� �� �� �� Practical experience with Agile development
Experience with computer graphic and multimedia design
��� �� �� �� Comprehensive experience with structuring, developing, and
implementing interactive corporate Web sites
��� �� �� �� Proven experience in installing, upgrading, and maintaining
Web servers and associated operating systems
��� �� �� �� Knowledge of database development
Experience in gathering and analyzing business requirements
��� �� �� �� Project management experience
��� �� �� �� Ability to conduct research into emerging Internet
technologies and programming languages
��� �� �� �� Ability to present ideas in business-friendly and user-
friendly language
��� �� �� �� Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-
pressure environment
��� �� �� �� Very strong customer service orientation
��� �� �� �� Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative


4 year degree in computer science or related field and/or
equivalent work experience.
5+ years of web application development experience
Delivery experience with .NET framework


Talent Mindset Resources
Wayne Rigney, Director of Recruiting
Off. [masked]; Cell[masked]
[address removed]