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MongoDB & Ecommerce on Tuesday; Mongo @ Perl Meetup on Wednesday

From: Meghan
Sent on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 8:02 PM
Hi everyone,

The New York MongoDB User Group is on Tuesday! This month we will be
at Gilt Groupe, and Steve Francia will be presenting on the OpenSky
ecommerce platform. Please don't forget to RSVP with your full name by
Monday as I need to provide security with a list of attendees.


On Wednesday MongoDB will be featured at the first session of the NY
Perl Meetup. Matt Taylor from 10gen will be giving an intro to Mongo,
and then Aaron from BuzzFeed will talk about BuzzFeed's stats and
reporting system built on MongoDB. Should be good!


At the user group I will have more copies of the O'Reilly book to
raffle off, as well as a copy of the Apress book that just came out.

Looking forward to seeing you all this week!


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