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Getting ready for the 2013 backpacking season!

From: Bob F
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 9:13 AM

Hi Everyone,


Hope you all had a great holiday season and 2013 brings you much joy!  We're in the process of planning our trips for this year so you'll be seeing various trip postings popping up on our site over the next couple of months.  Most trips will be closed to RSVP's at this point but will include a notice indicating when they will open up.  You can read our "Pages" section to get more info on this.

One of the reasons for sending this email is to emphasize that because we're still in the planning stages for these trips the dates listed for each trip could change before they're opened up for RSVP'ing.  I don't want anyone to schedule time off from work or rearrange their schedule only to find out that the trip was moved to another time.  Once the trips open for RSVP's their dates will be firm.

Another reason for this email is to see if some of our members are interested in planning/organizing a trip or two (or more) this season.  Obviously as we continue to grow the need for additional organizers and event hosts becomes greater.  If you think this is something you might want to do, please contact me (Bob F) and we can discuss the details.

On a side note, we are planning to schedule a couple (or so) winter trips starting in February so keep an eye out for those postings.

2013 is shaping up to be another great backpacking season with over 40 trips being planned to a variety of destinations! 

Hope to see you on the trail,

Bob F

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