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What we’re about

Here's a place where you can meet other backpacking enthusiasts! Join us on backpacking trips, meet other backpackers, discuss gear, find those "favorite" trails and have fun out there with others who enjoy the activity as much as you do!

Backpackers of all ability levels are welcome, from beginner to advanced. We encourage anyone who's thought about backpacking to give it a try. Our trip descriptions will always include the level of difficulty, so you can decide whether it's the right trip for you or not. And what a great place to get advice if you're just starting out!

During the season (April thru October) we'll schedule 3 or 4 trips per month (and sometimes more) and we'll even work in a few trips during the months of March and November. Out of necessity the majority are weekenders. From time to time we schedule longer trips (3 or 4 days or more). During the winter we'll also plan a few backpacking trips along with some skiing, snowboarding & snowshoeing trips. Over this past season we scheduled over 50 backpacking trips and a couple "get to know everyone" cookouts! You can also check our message board for someone who might be planning a trip. So you've got a lot of opportunities to get out there and hit the trail!

Our Waiver & Release Form can be found here 

and a signed copy is required before participating in any of our trips or events.

Please read our RSVP Policy which is found in our "Pages" section, and while you're there why not go ahead and read the entire page. There's a lot of useful information in there that our members should know!

Have any questions? Email the organizer, Bob F!

We hope you decide to join our group!


With the continued growth of our group we're looking for additional assistant organizers to plan a few trips or people who just want to organize a single trip during the season. If anyone is interested please contact the group organizer (Bob F) for all the details!

It's been one heck of a trip so far!!!

Upcoming events (1)

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