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October 10, 2010 "[masked]" Global Day of Climate Action of [no "www"]

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 8:27 PM
October 10, 2010 "[masked]" is the Global Day of Climate Action of
see [Note - no "www"]

There are several activities, see below. Perhaps the main event early in the afternoon is a White House Rally 12:30-2pm. BTW President Obama has agreed to install solar energy on the White House, after some staffers had told Bill McKibben of that there would be no solar power on the White House, a few weeks ago.

At the end of the day is a Communty Potluck Dinner at Bread for the City,[masked]th Street NW, between Convention Center and Shaw/Howard stops on the Green/Yellow lines of Metro. They also have events at Bread for the City all afternoon.

Immediatelly below is a request for volunteers I received this afternoon:

We have a variety of easy volunteer roles that we'll need filled at the White House on Sunday. Please check over the following list and let me [Keith Harrington] know if you can help with the role and be there at the designated time. White House vols get free DC 10/10 shirts. Please send me and Wayne Savage (copied [ reply-to , ] )
names and cell phone numbers and chosen roles of the people who can help.

White House Volunteering

1. Rally Marshals (8)
WHAT: Sign in crowd on petition, hand out fliers for day's other events, answer questions, wear an awesome yellow vest, hand out and collect green hard hats
WHERE: Center of Lafayette Park, by the statue.
WHEN: 12:30PM, Sunday
WHO TO MEET: Wayne Savage or Amanda Brinton - will send on contact info to vols
2. Metro Directions (2)
WHAT: Stand outside of Farragut North metro with "White House Climate Rally Info" sign, to give people directions, and hand out fliers
WHERE: Farragut North metro, (corner of K and Connecticut)
WHEN: 12:30PM - 1:10PM (rally will start around 1:10 or 1:15)
WHO TO MEET: No point person yet (PLEASE volunteer!) - we need to make 2 signs on posterboard too
3. Banner Holders (3 or 4)
WHAT: Hold up our message banners around the stage
WHERE: Center of Lafayette Park, by the statue
WHEN: Around 1PM
WHO TO MEET: Ted Glick, Nathan Kaufman - will send on contact info
4. Clean-up/Breakdown (3 or 4)
WHAT: Help move equipment off site after the rally, collect signs and hard hats etc.
WHERE: Center of Lafayette Park, by the statue
WHEN: Around 2:15PM
WHO TO MEET: Ted Glick, Nathan Kaufman, Marie Risalvato - will send on contact info

[masked] Work Party Events in DC

Rooftop Solar Installation
WHAT: A rooftop solar panel installation
WHO: Georgetown Energy and Clean Currents
WHEN: 11:00am ? 7:00pm
WHERE:[masked]rd St NW, Washington, D.C. 20007
CONTACT: Anthony Conyers (480)[masked]

Volunteer Energy Assessments
WHAT: Volunteer home energy assessments (VEAs) in neighborhoods throughout DC. ?A VEA is free, takes about an hour, and gives homeowners a good idea of steps they can take to make their homes more energy efficient. The VEA report provides a preliminary assessment of a home?s energy efficiency and weatherization solutions.
WHO: WeatherizeDC
WHEN: 10:00am-6:00pm
WHERE: Locations throughout DC
CONTACT: Sarah Murphy (716)[masked]

Climate Solutions Bike Ride
WHAT: A group bike tour on the new Capital BikeShare bikes to see the visit other DC climate work parties. The tour will also includes stops at sites that exemplify local climate and clean energy solutions. The final stop will be a free community potluck dinner.
WHO: Capital BikeShare, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, goDCgo
WHEN: 11:30am ? 5:00pm
1.?11:30am ? Capital BikeShare Station ? 17th St NW & L St NW
2. 12:15pm ? Rooftop Solar Installation ?[masked]rd St NW
3. 1:00pm ? White House Climate Rally ? Lafayette Park, 16th & H Street NW
4.?2:45pm ? Tour of Botanical Garden Wind Turbines ? Capitol Building ? 100 Maryland Ave., SW
5.?3:40pm ? Washington Youth Garden at the National Arboretum R St & 24th St NE (R Street Gate off Bladensburg Rd)
6. 4:20pm ? Common Goods Farm ? V St NW & 2nd St NW
7. 5:00pm ? Potluck at Bread for the City
CONTACT: Greg Drury (202)[masked]

Philo Collins

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