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MoCo Sustainability Network Showing of "Leave it to Beavers" at Rockville Library Tomorrow (Wednesday, August 12), 7 PM to 9 PM

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 10:36 PM

Hi,  Maryland members may find the Montgomery County Sustainability Network an interesting and congenial group.  Sudheer Shukla is an activist in Montgomery County.
Philo Collins ( I will not be going to this event.)

------ Original message------
From: Sudheer Shukla
Date: Tue, Aug 11,[masked]:10
To: Sudheer Shukla;
Subject:MoCo Sustainability Network Showing of "Leave it to Beavers" at Rockville Library Tomorrow (Wednesday, August 12), 7 PM to 9 PM

Dear Friends,
Sorry for the late notice, but my friend Naomi Bloch of the Montgomery County Sustainability Network will be showing the PBS film "Leave it to Beavers" at the Rockville Library tomorrow (Wednesday, August 12) from 7 PM to 9 PM.  This is a great documentary about beavers and their potential to restore our gravely diminished wetlands, reverse desertification and address droughts, and mitigate climate change.

Rockville Library is at 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD.  It will be upstairs, I believe in Meeting Room 2.  You can call me (Naomi Bloch) at (240)[masked] (cell) if you can't find the room.

More details are at



Sudheer Shukla
[address removed]
(301)[masked] (phone)
(240)[masked] (cell)

On Tuesday, August 4,[masked]:06 PM, Naomi Bloch < a="">> wrote:<>

Please share/post this to your listserves.

This is a wonderful documentary about the brilliance of beaver and their potential to restore our gravely diminished wetlands.... and address droughts and other corrosive effects of climate change.

Bring your friends and families... appropriate for all ages!

Thank you!


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