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New York Silicon Alley Weekly Newsletter ISSUE 20th Dec 2016

From: Silvija
Sent on: Friday, January 20, 2017, 11:57 AM

Dear members at New York Silicon Alley,


The day is finally here! Ex Reality Star Donald Trump is being inaugurated today. Is everyone ready for what's to come?

We at TechMeetups are ready to proffer job fairs that suit your expertise.
Worldwide Techmeetups Events

Awesome event for you to check out:


Don't forget to take your Free jobseeker ticket on time! Limited quantity available.

World’s biggest #TechstartupJobs Fair is coming back to New York!

TechStartupJobs Fair has been setup to help Startups find the talent they are looking for and for talent to find their way into the hottest Startups around.


If you are forecasting an event or need to build your MVP or be part of our tech communities have a look at our Online Shop as we show off our latest features HERE

Have a productive week everyone!


Warm regards,


JOBS SECTION: Please checkout jobs at


App developers Freelance at Raypaul ltd


*Full-time  jobs posted by Andium


1.Embedded Developer

2.Front-End Developer



10 Tools to Automate Your Event’s Social Media

7 Parts of the Job Every Entrepreneur Hates (How to Never Do Them Again)

Want a top tech job? These 8 expert tips will help you rise above the rest.

If you are interested in becoming New York TechMeetups Meetup Group partner, and explore the services and benefits we offer, feel free to get in touch with us.



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