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National Night Out Options - This just in...Dancing - yahoo!

From: Tammy S.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 1:19 PM
I just got this from Renee Thompson so I wanted to pass this along from him. This is where I will be tonight I will be dancing around there somewhere. I will be wearing a pink , red or peach shirt. I may go to the dance class or out for beverages and conversation.

From Renee:

As I'm sure you all know. Tuesday has been designated as America's "Neighborhood Night Out"!
Rene Dance & Music Studio will be providing music and entertainment for a block party at 27th St. and Park Ave. South, in Minneapolis; just a few blocks from our Studio.

Please Join us for great music, dancing and food and fun! We'll be dancing in the streets, everyone!!! Everything from Merengue to Salsa to Conga and there will even be a special Rumba performance. Let's make this a party to remember!!

Please join us for our regularly scheduled classes, after the party, as well, at our Lake St. a Chicago Avenue location (right above Robert's Shoes). Beginning Salsa and Latin Dance 7-8PM and Intermediate Salsa and Latin dance 8-9PM.


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