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New Meetup: Haunted Ziplining - RSVP if you dare!

From: Erin K.
Sent on: Monday, October 4, 2010, 2:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The NJ Biking, Eating & Drinking Group!

What: Haunted Ziplining - RSVP if you dare!

When: Friday, October 29,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Spring Mountain
757 Spring Mount Rd
Schwenksville, PA 19473

Come with us to Spring "SCREAM" Mountain for a haunted zip line adventure through the woods! Estimated to take between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs, and then afterwards we can eat at the lodge - hot dogs and sausage cooked on huge grills outside - or head to a nearby pub or restaurant (any suggestions?).

The haunted zip line will be using the Vertigo trip route, which is described as: This tour begins at the Cargo Net climbing area. The difference between this tour and the full tour is that you get four instead of eight zips. You also miss out on the chance to cross our longest and most picturesque bridge, the rappel station and the chance to take our newest zip line.

Haunted zip lining is $79 and if we choose to include the haunted hayride, etc, it'll be a bit more. So if you'd be interested in the Haunted Ski Lodge or Haunted Hay Ride, include that in your RSVP! For those who just want to do the zip lining, we'll definitely do that first (or we'll come earlier for the extra scaring stuff) and then if we hang around to further spook ourselves at the Ski Lodge or Hay Ride, you can join in or head home. Or perhaps just go have a drink and the group will reconvene afterward! :)

For those who have been to Spring Mountain, is there a good place to meet? I'm saying the Lodge for now and will send out my cell # in case people get lost, but if there is a better area to congregate, let me know!!

Just a reminder, there is a $20 membership fee for the year. You can pay online or in cash at the next event. Thank you to all who have paid thus far, you're awesome! :)

We also have a no show policy, so PLEASE make sure to update your RSVP if your plans change.

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