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New Meetup: Montclair Environmental Movie Night: Green Builders

From: Marnie V.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 8:41 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Community Green Meetup!

What: Montclair Environmental Movie Night: Green Builders

When: Thursday, March 18,[masked]:00 PM

Montclair Public Library
50 S Fullerton Ave
Montclair, NJ 07043
[masked] ext. 2262 or 2284

The Montclair Township Environmental Affairs office and Community Green present another eye opening film. A green revolution in the building world is evolving, and a first wave of innovative green design projects large and small have already arrived here in New Jersey.

NJN?s one-hour high definition special Green Builders profiles a cast of green building pioneers who have taken the leap into making their part of the ?built environment? a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly place. From The Willow School to PNC Bank to the first solar-hydrogen home, people talk about why green, the challenges, and how they fared. A green building has more to do with smart planning and a mindset change about energy use than expensive technologies or consumer sacrifice. These are real projects on the ground, working businesses and college campuses that prove you can change your carbon footprint once you change your way of looking at how a structure operates. Major funding for Green Builders was provided by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
 with additional support from the Cape Branch Foundation.

This is one of a series of Environmental Film Screenings put on by For more information contact Marnie Vyff at[masked] or [address removed].

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