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Looking for speakers!

From: Timon V.
Sent on: vrijdag 10 mei 2013 13:31
Hey everyone!

Although a bit on short notice; next meetup ( will be talks & drinks!

We're still looking for speakers! Talks don't have to be about just ruby per se, but some relation is nice. Lightning talks in user groups are a great stepping stone to talking at conferences!

This time we're doing 3x15 min talks. Please hold that into account :)

One small side note; we try to pick the most awesome, broad talks submitted. To make sure everyone has the best time and gets the most out of every talk; please think twice about talks on niches.

First time sending in a proposal? Try to be as thorough as possible, just topic names are very hard to work with.

Jan-Willem & Timon

Timon Vonk

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