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Speaker announcement Utrecht.rb: Talks & Drinks!

From: Jan-Willem van der M.
Sent on: zaterdag 18 mei 2013 12:37

Hi fellow Rubists,

Time for an update about our next event; Talks and Drinks. Let's present the speakers and location;

Competitive programming and algorithms by Bouke van der Bijl

He is a compatitive programmer representhing The Netherlands at He will take us away into his world of compative programming and algorithms. Make sure to be ready to code along, he might ask the audience to solve a ruby related problem!

Bitcoin transactions by Sjors Provoost

Ever tried to do something with Bitcoins? It's booming right now, but can be quite complicated to understand. Sjors has been building a Ruby script to create bitcoin transaction and will guide us through such a transaction.

Git internals by Maarten Hoogendoorn

Maarten works at Springest, where he gave this presentation about git internals. He would like to share this as well with his fellow Utrecht.rb Rubists

Building API's within a SOA architecture by Jan-Willem van der Meer

He'll share his expirience with building API's in a SOA architecture. There are a lot of ways to build such API's with various pitfalls to walk into. By sharing his expience he hopes to spare you some of them.

Location, sponsored by Pluginc. Big thanks!
Padualaan 8
3584 CH, Utrecht

We hope to see you monday the 3th of june!



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