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Wat we doen

Are you a mid-level professional in tech aspiring to work in Europe with visa sponsorship?

Perhaps you've tried applying but haven't consistently reached the offer stage or maybe you haven’t landed a single interview. If you're committed to making your European career dream a reality, this workshop is for you.

This workshop is for professionals in different areas like Software Engineering, UX Design, Product, Data Science, and more.

You can expect to walk away with a clear, actionable plan tailored to your specific goals, providing you with the insights, strategies, and expert guidance necessary to confidently navigate the tech industry job market and secure your desired position in Europe. Your investment in this webinar is an investment in your future tech career success.

What You Will Gain:

  • Acquire knowledge from a seasoned recruiter with 10+ years in UX and tech placements, along with insights from a career coach who has guided jobseekers to impressive salary hikes.
  • Understand the nuances of the European tech job market to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Enhance your visibility on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Fine-tune your approach to make every job application count.
  • Strengthen your interview and networking skills to stand out amidst local talent.

Workshop Highlights:

  1. Effective strategies for job search, tailored for visa sponsorship.
  2. Maximize your online presence, making you more discoverable by the vast number of companies on LinkedIn.
  3. A streamlined 3-step application method to improve your interview chances.
  4. Techniques to clearly articulate your value in interviews and networking sessions.
  5. Practical daily exercises to boost your productivity and focus.

Exclusive Live Session Bonuses:

  1. A live LinkedIn review by an experienced recruiter.
  2. Ready-to-use email templates for proactive communication with recruiters.
  3. Customizable networking templates for LinkedIn to increase your connections.
  4. A list of companies that sponsor visas in the Netherlands combined with Indeed insights. Regularly updated for 6 months.

Choosing to work in small groups is a deliberate decision, rooted in proven advantages that enhance the learning process and the quality of the experience:

a. Personal Attention: Working with smaller groups ensures that trainers can provide more individual attention to each participant. This means personal queries and concerns can be addressed more directly and effectively.
b. Promotion of Interaction: Smaller groups foster greater interaction among participants and between the participant and the trainer. This results in a deeper understanding and better retention of information.
c. Safe Learning Environment: In a smaller group setting, participants often feel more comfortable asking questions, sharing opinions, or expressing doubts. This creates an environment where learning is actively encouraged.
d. Quality Assurance: By limiting the size of the group, we can maintain the quality of the teaching and the experience, which might diminish in larger, less manageable groups.
e. Flexibility: Small groups offer more adaptability in terms of catering to the group's needs, making it easier to adjust content and pace based on immediate feedback.