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Wat we doen

The quirky club is a mindful space for people with ADHD, people who identify with ADHD symptoms, all other neurodivergents, and their loved ones. These gatherings will include mindfulness practices designed for a neuro-spicy audience, key topic presentations, sources, tools, tips, research, workshop, music, and art ... Finally, we will hold a safe space for each other to share our stories, insights, wins, and struggles, empower one another, and get inspired.
I'm a certified mindfulness teacher and a fellow ADHDer. Since my diagnosis 6 years ago, I became an avid learner of the subject. My personal ADHD journey started with a wish to better understand and help myself and snowballed into a passion to help and connect with other like-minded people trying to navigate this convoluted world. I arrived at an understanding that mindfulness is the missing piece of well-rounded ADHD management alongside treatment with medication, therapy/coaching. I read/listened to tens of books, listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts, attended many seminars, workshops, and courses, spend countless hours in coaching, supervision, and therapy, and follow expert magazines and research articles to keep myself up to date. Oh... I also watched thousands of hours of TikTok and still counting.
I'm currently developing ADHD-informed mindfulness practices and mindfulness-based ADHD tools. An eternal work in progress but now I'm ready to share and grow together with you.
Interested? Let's begin!
Quirky Club is every other Thursday evening starting the 25th of May 2023 from 7-9 pm. The gatherings will take place in my living room at first. Depending on the attendance and budget can migrate into other venues. There will be a donation box, and everyone can decide for themselves at each gathering. Quirky Club welcomes all folks from any age, social and cultural background, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and spirituality. An open and curious mind is a must. The common language is English.