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New Meetup: Club Fluid - Friday night fun

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 4:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for No cover night clubbing!

What: Club Fluid - No cover before 11pm

When: Friday, April 9,[masked]:00 PM

Fluid Ultra Lounge
662 Mission St
San Francisco, CA 94111

Hi sexy people,

We are heading to club Fluid this Friday and all of our members are receiving free entrance ( reg. cover: $20 ) as long as you get there before 11pm. Please text "FREEPASS" to 69302 to receive the pass right to your cell phone. You'll need to show that at the door to get you and your group in for free. The pass will be good for Saturday as well ( but I'll be at Zen in Mt. View that day - see our other meetup posting )

Call or text me at (408)[masked] if you have any questions. It should be fun!


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