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CSR Local and National Events Now Listed on the NY CSR Calendar

From: Amy
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 1:55 PM
We've updated our calendar to include conferences being held in the CSR community in New York and around the country. You can add events directly to your calendar or subscribe to an RSS feed via the link at the bottom. Check it out here:

To submit an event for posting to our calendar, email us with this form: or send an email to [address removed].

Members of the CSR Meetup Group are eligible for a $200 discount for the two day Communitelligence Communicating Sustainability 2010 Conference. Use code "nycsr200" when registering here:

Those who attend the 9/21/10 CSR Insight Tuesday event will receive a discount code for the Justmeans Social Media, Technology, and Change conference, for which details can be found here: The promotion code will be distributed at the 9/21 Meetup; RSVP here: CSR Insight Tuesdays.

Thank you for your continued support of the NY Corporate Social Responsibility Meetup.

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