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You're Invited to CSR Insight Tuesdays

From: Amy
Sent on: Monday, August 30, 2010, 10:14 AM
Learn with us at our second monthly CSR Insight Tuesdays event!
When: Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010, 6:30 PM

Vig Bar
12 Spring St
New York, NY 10012
(*Location is tentative*)

What: CSR Insight Tuesdays was formed as an educational avenue to extend members? understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and drill deeper into all of its aspects. It is a kind of book club for professionals - we read and discuss chapters of CSR books, white papers, articles, reports and studies as well as view webinars, instructional videos and other media.

6:30-7:00 Networking
7:00-7:15 Introductions and Announcements
7:15-8:15 Small Group Discussion
8:15-8:30 Small Group Insight Reports to Large Group
8:30-9:00 Networking (optional)

Readings: Since it was so popular last month, we're diving further into the definition discussion. Please read the below documents PRIOR to the 9/21 event. They can be downloaded (at no charge) from
?Kaplan White Paper: What is Sustainability?
?Kaplan White Paper: Sustainability, Ethics and Business Performance
?Top 7 CSR Practices
?MITSloan Management Review: The Business of Sustainability (*read case studies from page 24 to page 28 only*)

Special Bonus: All attendees will receive discount codes for the following conferences:
?JustMeans 2nd Annual Social Media, Technology, and Change (http://www.socialmedi...)
?Communicating Sustainability 2010 (http://www.communitel...)

How: The organizers will prepare thought provoking questions (to be distributed shortly before the event) based on the selected literature to stimulate conversation. Attendees will be divided into groups to discuss questions and report learning outcomes to the larger group.

RSVP: CSR Insight Tuesdays

Further Details: CSR Insight Tuesdays events are open to anyone, experts and novices alike. We invite topical experts to contact us about submitting their CSR literature to the group for discussion. Organizers Amy and Laura can be reached at [address removed].

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