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Richard, have you even been accepted by MIT? (was RE: [newtech-1] Tech Schools?)

From: Robert M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 8:42 AM



OK wait a sec… have you already been accepted by MIT?  If you haven’t, the question you’re asking is beside the point.


I suspect that many people here, at first, assumed from your question, that you had already been accepted by MIT. I certainly did. I now suspect that you have not.  In which case, this entire thread was a waste of time.


And just a wake-up call, getting into MIT is as hard as getting into Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc.  If not harder.  Note that I do not question if you got into NYIT, anyone with brain could probably go there (which says little about the quality of NYIT’s teaching, of course).


If I’m wrong and you have been accepted by MIT, many congratulations!  And if so, don’t be an idiot -- go.




From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Richard Bidermanis
Sent: Tuesday, September 01,[masked]:16 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [newtech-1] Tech Schools?


Carlos, I'd be interested in that article. Do you know where I can find it? I understand MIT is good, and better because of what it offers in comparison to other schools, but I haven't gotten many reasons as to why someone would want to go to a lower tiered school instead of a prestigious school like MIT. Which is better in almost every way according to everyone on here. So far, only one person has said something about not going to a better business school. I really don't see why you wouldn't want to go to a better school if you can afford it, and have the grades to get in. I'd like people's opinions as to why they chose not to go (other than as i said, being able to afford it and have the grades).


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