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Please Share - Looking for more Mentors and Advisers for exciting startups + Startup52 Kickoff event

From: Chike U.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 12:44 PM

Startup52 pilot acceleration class launches tomorrow, Wednesday, July 1st, 2015. While we initially wanted it to be an intimate event with just the startups getting to know each other, we decided today to open it to a few others who maybe interested in joining us. (Details below)

We are also looking for more Mentors and Advisers for our pilot class of startups. Interested candidates should please SIGN UP HERE  or email me at [address removed]Preference the event tomorrow will be given to those who sign up to join us as Mentors or Advisers for these startups. 

Startup52 is proud to launch its Pilot Startup Acceleration class. Join us on Wednesday July 1st, 2015 at 1pm as we welcome our exciting early stage startups at:

The Shepard Hall Building, Room 107

The City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue, (SE corner of 140th Street & Convent Ave)

New York, NY, 10031 

Come learn about Startup52, its exciting and diverse pilot class, and what we hope to accomplish in the next two months.

Email [address removed] to RSVP or call [masked]


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