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Connecting Twitter To A Google Group?

From: Brian D.
Sent on: Sunday, November 29, 2009, 3:01 AM
I'm looking for a way to connect a Twitter account to a Google Group.  So tweets posted by a single Twitter account could be emailed to a Google Group.

I'm doing some volunteer work for a kids sports organization in my town.  They want to be able to send out updates, i.e. weather cancellations, game rescheduling, etc. via Twitter.  Unfortunately, some of their users are don't want to do Twitter and simply want the updates via email.  These users are in a Google Group.

I was hoping to do the following:
  • Create a separate Twitter account solely for following the main twitter account that nobody could follow.
  • Find a web/service bureau based tool that could convert the tweets followed by that account to an email and send it to the Google Group.
  • The tweet would need to be sent via email within about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • A bunch of tweets could be sent per day.
  • It would need to be relatively easy to be setup.
  • The service would need to be free or cheap.
  • The Google Group has 10s to 100s of users.
  • Normal users aren't allowed to post msgs to the group.
  • Users that can post msgs must have their email preconfigured in the group.
An alternative, I'm was also considering:
  • Find a web/service bureau based tool could convert the RSS feed of the main Twitter account to email.
  • Have that email send to the Google Group.
  • The email would need to be cleanly formatted with no links at the bottom of the email for managing the RSS feed conversion or other stuff as that would confuse users.
  • Plus the most of the requirements from above.
I'm not a Twitter expert, so I haven't found anything yet that fully works.

TweetByMail almost works, except that every tweet comes from a different address, so it can't be configured in the Google Group.  I'm tempted to use procmail to clean the email up and resend it properly formatted, but I think maintaining a procmail configuration might be too complicated for the next group of volunteers to support.

I tried using to convert the main Twitter account as an RSS feed to email, but email subject is a bit butchered and every email contains a link for managing notifications which would be confusing for the users in the Google Group.

I considered to convert the RSS feed to email, but it only will send out 1 email per 24 hours.

I checked out tweetbeeps, but the unpaid version will only send 1 email an hour and the paid version 1 every 15 minutes.

I looked at TweetDeck, but that looks like an app that needs to be downloaded and run.

I took a quick look at,, and, but I wasn't sure if they'd work. It wasn't clear from the info on their sites.  They either seemed to be focused on posting tweets via email or required a lot of interaction via email to get started which I'm not sure could be done if the target email address is a Google Group.   I need to spend some time with them to figure them out, but was hoping maybe someone on this list already knows if they'd work or not for me.

Any suggestion on an tweet to email or RSS to email tool that would meet the above requirements, would be greatly appreciated.


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