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My SIncere Apologies....

From: Denise
Sent on: Monday, December 14, 2009, 6:52 AM
Good Morning Winetasters!

THis is Denise Johnson, your Organizer of the NY Black Winetasters group! I just wanted to write this note to send my SINCERE apologies for the need to reschedule and correct the rescheduling of our December meetup. I have been out of the country for the last two weeks and found that :

1. International cyber-communication is NOT always easy or possible; and
2. Jet Lag makes a mind VERY, VERY Fuzzy upon one's return.

While I was away, I tried to communicate with the venue and make final arrangements, however, that was much more difficult than I imagined. Due to the impossibility of obtaining a final confirmation from the venue, the event had to be rescheduled until the week between Christmas and New Years. Due to my extreme exhaustion, I inadvertently wrote that the new date would be Monday, December 28th, despite my notes and calendar that indicated that Tuesday, December 29th had been chosen.

Please accept my deepest apologies for any inconvenience the change in scheduling may have caused.

For those that I will see on TUESDAY, December 29th, I look forward to hanging out with you. For those who cannot attend, I look forward to seeing you in the New Year! We have some GREAT Events coming up in 2010, that you will NOT want to miss!

Happy Holidays to ALL!

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