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Reminder next NY Green Tech meetup is less than a week away

From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, September 18, 2009, 8:08 PM
This is a reminder that the next NY GreenTech meetup is now less than a week away on September 24th at 6.30pm. The meetup at NYC ACRE will be a presentation by NYC ACRE about what it has to offer Green Tech startups in New York to help them get started and to successfully bring their ideas, technology, products, and services to market. There will also be a presentation by four green tech companies who are already benefiting from being NYC ACRE in-residence companies.

If you are one of the 68 who have so far RSVP'd I look forward to meeting you at the event. If you intend to attend the event but not have yet registered please do so soon. Registration closes at 5pm on Wednesday September 23rd.

The meetup is listed as a Climate Week NYC event and curiously the meetup is also listed as an event on the London Accord list of events .

For those that don't know next week is Climate Week NYC happening all week in and around New York .

FYI: The London Accord is a collaboration between investment banks, research houses, academics and NGOs to produce free research on climate change for financial investors. It is intended as a reference guide for investors in the climate change sector. The London Accord is significant in that it is the largest cooperative project in the world on investment opportunities in avoiding climate change.

Looking forward to meeting everyone next Thursday at 6.30pm for 30 minutes of networking before a 7pm on the dot start of the presentations.

John Matthews
Organizer of the NY Green Tech meetup

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