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Re: [NYC-rb] Databases

From: James G.
Sent on: Monday, June 3, 2013, 12:27 AM
Hey Vincent,

First, Tom's advice was well-meaning, but not good advice - don't just pick a database because someone says it is the best - do your own research as you will be married to the DB once your projects get more involved and it becomes prohibitively tedious to change a DB later. Also, Postgres is a jack-of-all-trades DB that does almost everything; there are purpose-built DBs that may fit your project better and are usually far easier to use and scale than the jack-of-all-trades style (like Postgres or MySQL)

If you want a full overview of many of the most-modern  SQL (eg. Postgres) as well as NoSQL (eg. MongoDB) databases, check out the videos of the various DBs on 

Also, consider attending tomorrow's Database Month event which has free BEER, Pizza, Swag- New Operational Database: Scale-out Transactions & Real-time Analytics, presented by Sergei Tsarev, Co-Founder & CTO, Clustrix with Dmitri Mikhailov, Principal Database Architect, TheLadders

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Vincent <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey all.

I'm still fairly new to Rails but I feel like I am a little clueless about our choices of database and I would like to learn more.

Is there anything you all know of that compares postgresql, mongo, sqlite, etc? I want to have a better overview of their strengths and weaknesses, and also make sure that my machine is ready to use all of them. 

I appreciate your feedback.

Vincent Trivett
Multimedia Journalist

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