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Re: [NYC-rb] Felipe de Araujo is looking for a Software Development Summer Internship

From: Johan M.
Sent on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 9:29 AM
Why so bitter? He's just looking for an internship. No need to ask that kind of passive aggressive questions.

Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Vietnhi Phuvan <[address removed]> wrote:

You aren't one of these 180-day wonders who, starting from scratch,  learned Rails in six months, are you? 

On Thursday, March 20,[masked]:21 AM, Felipe de Araujo <[address removed]> wrote:

My name is Felipe de Araujo, I'm computer science college student at Tennessee Tech and a Ruby on Rails enthusiast.
I'm looking for a software developer internship during this summer in a great company based in
New York

During my undergraduation I have accumulated knowledge in Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL(Postgis), Google Maps API, Linux development environment, but I'm an open person to new challenges.

If you are looking for interns or your company has opened positions which may be placed for a person with my skills, I will be glad to talk with you. Also if you know about some company that are looking for interns, please, let me know.

Email: [address removed] Phone: (931)[masked]

Best Regards
Felipe de Araújo
[address removed]

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