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Meetup details changed: NYC ATHEISTS MAY MEETUP

From: Jane E.
Sent on: Friday, May 11, 2012, 9:14 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Tuesday, May 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Stone Creek
140 E 27th St. (3/Lex)
New York, NY 10011

This Meetup repeats on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.


Why Are Nonbelievers Being Told to ‘Respect’ Religion More?

Is It a Backlash Against the Growing Popularity of Atheism?


We’re hearing it often now, even from some Atheist movement insiders: Why don’t Atheists “respect” religion more?

In books, newspapers and periodicals, religion is being touted by some of our intellectuals--often nonbelievers themselves--as a “historical force” in the growth of civilization. A few nonbelievers are saying, “Come on, let’s give a little credit to religion for the good things it has done.”

One example: Alain de Botton, author of a new book titled “Religion for Atheists,” purportedly not a believer himself, argues that we Atheists have a lot to learn from religion. He claims that religion...  “promotes morality, engenders a spirit of community, makes use of art and architecture, inspires travels, trains minds and encourages gratitude at the beauty of spring...”

Never mind that we can knock down all of those sentiments. (“Trains minds?” Everyone knows religion warps more minds than it trains. “Promotes morality?” Ask any Catholic altar boy if they believe that.) The question is, why are these admonitions being tossed at us now?

Is Religion Getting Defensive?

“Are we Atheists being muscled into accepting  the so-called ‘good parts’ of religion and faith?” asks Michael Dorian, documentary filmmaker and long-time Atheist. “How do we combat this apologetic, conciliatory, even accommodationist tone in some of the arguments being put forth?”

Is it possible that the growing popularity of Atheism--and there is recent data that Atheism is growing faster than any other denomination--has brought out the defensiveness of the religionists and their sympathizers?

Why Don’t Religionists ‘Respect’ Atheism?

Or as Dorian puts it: “Why don’t the religionists and their apologists ‘respect’ Atheism for the scientific progress it has enabled--from Thomas Edison to Bill Gates in recent times (both reputedly nonbelievers), from electric lights to personal computers?

“I don’t see much ‘respect’ coming from religionists to Atheists for what we have accomplished historically,” the Atheist discussion leader adds. “Most often we’ve had to fight reactionary Believers every inch of the way to get a bit of scientific progress in motion.”

Come on Tuesday, May 15, to hear NYCA’s Michael Dorian lead a discussion of this volatile topic. Chose your side:  Are you for “respecting” the church and what it has supposedly accomplished? (Keep in mind those cathedrals and the crusades!)  Or are you going to stand up for demanding respect and parity for Atheism and Science in the history of world progress?

Come for an exciting discussion in a relaxed atmosphere, where people know you and respect your voice, where you can speak your mind openly and freely and your friends may even occasionally applaud what you say.




discussion led by Michael Dorian, documentary filmmaker.

WHEN:       TUESDAY,  MAY 15,  2012, at 7 pm


140 East 27th Street (bet. 3rd & Lex.)

COST:         FREE. But buy your own drink and/or food.

That’s how we compensate Stone Creek for

giving us space. The reasonably priced knoshies

are better than in most bars.


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