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Fwd: The National Folkloric Troupe of Egypt is coming to New York in October

From: Jacqueline AKA "Ima A.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2007, 9:00 AM

Don't forget to purchase your ticket. They are going fast!!!!!!!

From Brooklyn Center's Community Showcase
The Egyptian Ministry of  Culture presents
Event Photo

Event Photo

The Egyptian Folkloric
Dance Troupe

 A Brooklyn Premiere!

For the first time in New York, here is a chance to experience the intoxicating beauty of Egyptian/Arabian culture through the long history of the Raqs Sharqi -- the colorful and exotic folkdances of Ancient Egypt as passed down through eons of generations.   These dances arose from Upper Egypt, Cairo and Alexandria and were an integral part of both ancient religious ceremony as well as secular celebration; these dance forms were danced in local towns and villages where men, women and children all knew the colorful baladi or saiidi movements. 
Don't miss this chance to see a whirlwind of pageantry and celebration as you are drawn into the midst of what would have been seen in the Temples, at weddings, street fairs and festivals -- wherever the people celebrated life.
Saturday, Oct. 20,  2007 - 7pm
Walt Whitman Theatre

Tickets:  $35, $30, $25
Tickets can be purchased at:
or by phone at:

For more detailed info, call Hatem at:[masked] or Ahmed at:[masked]
Email for additional information: 
[address removed]

 This Not-for-Profit Event is in support of the National Liver Institute of Egypt.

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