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New Event: Halloween Dinner Social at Layali's !!!!!

From: Jacqueline AKA "Ima A.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2007, 9:48 AM
Announcing a new event for ~::* NYC Belly Dance Club*::~!

What: Halloween Dinner Social at Layali's !!!!!

When: Saturday, October 27, 8:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: It is time for a social ladies. Let's get together for our Halloween dinner and party .
Let's meetup and shimmie out butts off (yes i said butts lol). Layali's is a happening place located on
6 st. & ave. B. I hear they have a great crusine and the music, well guest who is mixing some serious sounds that will have you moving none stop .Who else but our very own brother "Alex Alot" from NYCs World beat party Bellyhouse he is a member of our club check out his profile and site .

The first 20 ladies to RSVP and arrive will receive a beautiful masquerade mask embelished with exotic feathers and sequins . Remember that when a reservation is made Your RSVP is taken very serious . If you can't make the dinner reservation
please let me know "3 DAYS IN ADVANCE" be courteous and considered to your shimmie sisters oxoxoxx. I will update this event as time gets closer . Dress to impress ladies it's Halloween wear a custom if you like. Be creative......

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