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C++ Meetup Ideas Welcome

From: Andrew M.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 11:43 AM

Hello C++ Meetup -

We haven't met for a while, so I think we should plan to get together again early in the new year. However, we need a topic and a presenter. If you have topic suggestions, or in particular if you are interested in presenting, please get in touch with me or with one of the other C++ meetup organizers so we can get it scheduled.

We are open to both beginner level material and more advanced material. I know there is interest in things C++11 related. I personally would be very interested to hear from anyone who has successfully migrated an existing codebase to C++11 and can share their experiences.

If no ideas are forthcoming, I might decide to present on something I've been working on recently if people seem interested enough: 
