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Greenhouse Social & City Winery Dinner

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 1:14 PM
Hello Everyone,

We like to get together socially every once in a while, so here are two opportunities on October 5th. In two weeks we will gather at Greenhouse, then dine at City Winery.

At Greenhouse, the place will essentially be ours as the only other people will be members of my other Meetup groups. We will network, mingle, and enjoy drink specials. At around 7:45pm, we will wrap up and transition to City Winery within 30 feet of Greenhouse. There we will enjoy wine, appetizers, and dinner.

Please note these are available to you at no charge, but drinks and food are on you :)

Feel free to spread the word and invite friends!


NYC Ultimate Frisbee