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Re: [nyhacker] Needing the best in the business

From: Valentin R.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 3:46 AM
On 02/11/[masked]:31 PM, Kathryn wrote:
Currently, I'm working on an serious documentary exposing the corruption on Wall Street. But lately, when I turn the internet on any of my computers, files will disappear into thin air right off the desktop. 

They've been pulling stuff off of emails and messing with our printers as well. 

I was just wondering how easy is it to hack a mac? I've attempted to unlink the mac's but I believe that they may all still be compromised. 

Do you have to open up an attachment or can they infect me through the use of my IP address/ being connected to the internet?

Will changing my IP address help at all?

Is there any way to tell if your computer has been hacked?

Also, my phone is sinked to the computer through iCloud. So is that also compromised?

Lastly, is there any way to get rid of them once they are in?

I have a private second email which all of my work emails go to, just in case of this type of incident. I haven't logged into it since early last year. All of the files have been erased from there as well. My mind is blown. 

Just last night, they blew up two of the computers on the network. If anyone can help. Please let me know

Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation in this matter.


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You have been p0wned. I suggest you disconnect all computers from any and all networks immediately.

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