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P2P Startup Looking for full-stack developers

From: Do Yeong T.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 1:17 PM
Dear All,

My name is Do, co-founder of Sloan Capital Group. Sloan Capital Group is a financial technology startup that facilitates peer-to-peer lending transactions by funding borrowers with investors' capital. We are looking for web developers to build the front-end and back-end, who would be interested in working for equity. We have a prominent law firm representing us and a partnering bank - tech development is a relatively simple, small-scale, so anyone who joins would see great reward realized in a short timeframe. We have all the ground framework laid out, and web/tech development is all that is left to officially launch the platform.
If you would be interested, please send me your resume to: [address removed]
Thank you!

Do Yeong Tak

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