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New Meetup: Oct 9 Extreme Green Gala Mott House 122 Maryland Ave NE

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 8:21 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Washington DC Peak Oil Survival Solutions Meetup!

What: Oct 9 Extreme Green Gala Mott House 122 Maryland Ave NE

When: October 9,[masked]:30 PM

The Mott House
122 Maryland Ave NE
washington, DC 20002

What: Extreme Green Gala organized by Tiffany de Lisas

When: Friday, October 9,[masked]:30-11:00pm

Where: The Mott House, 122 Maryland Ave NE (1 block from Supreme Court)
Metro - Union Station - red line or Capitol South - blue and orange lines

Tickets: $25, proceeds help benefit greening low-income homes

Purchase Ticket at

Due to the large numbers of attendees already registered, the Extreme Green Gala expanded space at the Mott House to give you room to mingle with a diverse crowd of environmentalists and socially-conscious individuals.

Everyone is rallying to support CarbonfreeDC's Extreme Green Neighborhood Makeover, featured on CBS News. In the past couple days, registrants have come from all across the country, including prominent organizations like Sierra Club, Earth Island Institute, Trail Voice, Center for Clean Air Policy, Consumers Union and Clean Water Network. Will you join us?

Visit the Extreme Green Gala website for the schedule, parking and dress code information.

Please, help us green low-income homes in DC and register now.

Extreme Green Gala Speakers
Lisa Jackson Lou Leonard Harriet Tregoning
US EPA Administrator WWF Int'l Climate Expert DC Office of Planning
(via video)

Extreme Green Makeover Volunteers

Entertainment and Hors D'?uvres
Kid Goat Band Rock-n-Roll Tony PhillipsJazz WVSA Art Gallery Benefiting City Youth
Java Green, Honest Tea, Seasonal Fruits and Cash Bar

Note also -
October[masked] Green Festival at the DC Convention Center
Volunteer with Sierra Club SundayOct[masked]pm- free ticket for the day
sign up ASAP with Julie Locascio at <[address removed]>

1 - 4 Philo's group [Philo, can you please pass this email to your volunteers--I would like to get confirmations]

information for volunteers:
LOCATION: Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place Convention Center Metro - green, also a few blcoks to Chinatown-Verizon Center - red and green lines
REGISTRATION: This is the tricky part! You must look for a special registration table for volunteers--not for Green Festival volunteers, but for Exhibitors. We do not have specific information for how to find this, and it was not easy last year, so please take your time in reading the signs, and feel free to ask a Green Festival volunteer where to go. You should NOT have to stand in any of the LONG lines! The trick is figuring out where Exhibitors (and their Volunteers) can register. Once you find that spot, simply tell them that you are volunteering for SIERRA CLUB D.C., Booth 409. They will then give you a guest (or visitor) badge good for the whole day. (They told us we do NOT need to put your names on a list.) [If the process is really difficult, I will email Sunday people on Saturday evening to give them more specific details.] IMPORTANT: you must return your badge when you leave or they will not be available for later volunteers!!!!

BOOTH: 409 (from the main entrance, go to the left, and then back a short ways. We are not far from the main entrance. We should have three Sierra Club banners up. NOTE: We registered very late, so our name is probably not going to be in any program guide you pick up. Just remember Booth 409!!!

STAFFING: When you arrive, the D.C. Sierra Club person in charge will probably be Amanda Brinton or myself. We will brief you on what you need to know, which is not much!

It is unlikely we will have cellphone reception inside, but Julie Locascio's number is (202)[masked].
Please let me know ASAP if you need to change your hours. (And let me know if you have any questions!)

thanks again!

Julie Locascio, Executive Committee
Membership Engagement Chair
D.C. Chapter of the Sierra Club

Learn more here:

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