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How to use the Outdoor Club of South Jersey Meetup Site

From: Tom N.
Sent on: Friday, October 14, 2011, 10:17 PM

Hello everyone.

Thank you for joining this site. The Outdoor Club of South Jersey (OCSJ) has over 1000 members and has hundreds and hundreds of trips and events yearly provided by our volunteer leaders. I post some up here occasionally.

However you really need to visit our trip pages for all the events. They are all under our section tabs at our website at

Or the same is displayed on these section pages. (you can't join these pages but can view all the trips)


We are a paid member club, as described below, however we invite you to attend one or two of our regular events, free as our guest to try us out. If you like the trips, we ask that you become members.


OCSJ is a member club. See us at for all our events. For $20 yearly, you have access to hundreds and hundreds of trips and events at no extra charge. Some trips do require fees to cover lodging, event costs, entrance fees, such as special trips or bus trips.

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