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Where are the trips and events?

From: Tom N.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 8, 2011, 10:08 PM


Since we started using Meetup a few months ago, we have put hundreds of trips on our Hiking meetup site

We have also started a meetup site for Canoeing as well:

(note we only have the trip leaders as members at this time, but you can view and attend the events.


You can easily view these listings from our club site at There are weekday, weekend, and evening trips.

Come on out and try some of our trips. Perhaps you'll join our club for a mere $20 a year. If you compare to some other sites and clubs, you pay for each event or trip. In OCSJ, for $20, you have access to all the regularly scheduled trips. (there are a few other trips that require additional cost like bus trips or stay overs)


Tom Neigel