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How to find all the hundreds of outdoor trips!

From: Tom N.
Sent on: Saturday, September 1, 2012, 7:17 AM
To find all of the trips, click the links below:

This Meetup Page  is a supportive page of the Outdoor Club of South Jersey

Visit our main club website at - for all meetup Schedules.


There are hundreds of boating trips; hiking trips; biking trips; camping trips; backpacking every season.


All available at, or visit our hiking and canoeing meetup pages directly:


The Outdoor Club of South Jersey is a not for profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for extending the individual's awareness, knowledge, appreciation, and enjoyment of the environment through experiences in outdoor activities. Including but limited to, Hiking, Biking, Boating, X-C skiing, camping, and backpacking. The Club is made up of people of all ages who are involved with the outdoors. All activities are led by volunteer members. The Club offers all members an opportunity to be a part of or to create their own outdoor experience or activity.

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