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OCSJ Club Membership

From: Tony M.
Sent on: Friday, January 11, 2013, 1:59 PM

Greetings to all OCSJ-Cycling Meetup Members:

Thanks so much for joing the Outdoor Club of South Jersey's Bicycling Meetup site.  We've only been using the site for a few months, but it seems to be very well received.  As I think you have seen, we offer a full calendar of rides every month ranging from Classes A to D on both weekdays and weekends.  The schedule is a little lighter now in the winter months but will fill up once the weather warms up.

I know many of you are already members of the Outdoor Club, but to those of you who aren't, we hope you'll join the OCSJ.  Membership is only $20 per year, and we also offer weekly activities in hiking, canoeing, camping, backpacking and cross-country skiing.  Our hiking/camping/backpacking activities can be found on and our canoeing activities are at  To join on-line, go to  While you're on our site, be sure to check out everything we have to offer.

If you have any questions about the club, please feel free to contact me.  Thanks for joining this Meetup site!!


Tony Marchionne

Bicycle Chair - OCSJ




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