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Hurricane Sandy Message from Meetup Headquarters

From: Midge B.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 4:18 PM

Meetup HQ is based in New York City, so we’re keenly aware of the impact an event like Hurricane Sandy can have on a community. We wanted to take a moment to share ways that your Meetups can make a difference at times like this:

  • Be safe & look out for each other.
  • After the storm passes, people in your Meetup and neighborhood may need help. If you live on the Eastern Seaboard, consider scheduling a relief Meetup. Visit the Red Cross online to see where hands are needed most.
  • If you are not in the area affected by Sandy, there are still many ways to help. The Red Cross invites community groups to get in touch about raising money.

If you do organize a Sandy-related Meetup, please be sure to add the words “Hurricane Sandy” to the title so people who want to contribute can easily find you.


If anyone has an idea or suggestion about how we could help out, please let me know or post on the website on the message board......thanks, Midge.

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