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Greetings - Update

From: Marzio
Sent on: Monday, October 16, 2017, 9:09 PM

Greetings all and welcome to new members that have joined in the recent past.

This Sunday sees the third of the five part Whadjuk Walking Trails in and around the western suburbs.  These walks have been included to provide some variety, generally a little longer to the usual walks and hopefully interesting and scenic.

Many other walks have also been posted so there should be something to get you out and about to meet some new friends.

We continue to call for our members to make suggestions on new walks and you are enabbled to post them directly. Alternatively send your suggestions to the organisers and we will have them posted for you.

Some members have raised the issue of earlier start times for summer walks and this will need to be managed as the weather warms into summer.

If there is an appetite for a walk and picnic lunch before Christmas then again feel free to provide some suggestions or indicate your interest or otherwise.

A reminder this Meet-Up is sponsored and hence no fees, our principal sponsor and founder Peter Van Eyk a painting contractor is happy to provide advice and free quotes.



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