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Save The Dates: Sept 18th - 20th

From: Carlo D.
Sent on: Saturday, August 8, 2015, 11:37 AM

Cool things happening.  Bill True (PSA member and screenwriting instructor for SCC) has asked that I let our membership know about this...

1. PLEASE RESERVE FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 in the evening on your calendar.  We are having a big gala event to officially launch the merger of our Film School and Theatre Arts Dept., which will be known henceforth as the Scottsdale School of Film & Theatre.  It's gonna be a shindig, and we are wanting all the important, cool kids in the AZ film scene to attend.  That's you, people!  :-)

Also Save The Cat workshop is coming to town...SCC for a matter of fact:

2. SAVE THE CAT EVENT WITH ALVARO RODRIGUEZ on Sept 19 and 20?  See the email below.  The link for more info and to sign up is here...

Thanks for all your support.



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